Man Has Nose Chopped Off To Resemble ‘Captain America’s’ Red Skull… Dedication Or Madness?

Body Modification

My face flared up like a tomato…

We all know how far people will go when it comes to making sure their Cosplay outfits are up to scratch. With a myriad conventions becoming worldwide institutions and attracting bigger crowds every year such as San Diego Comic Con, the photographs of some of these outfits are sublime. Moreover, in recent years there have been outfits that have been the result of much blood, sweat and tears, such as the vast array of superhero outfits like Xenomorphs, Predators, Mech Suits and Iron Man replicas that provide us all with something to marvel at (did you see what I did there?). As it stands, most people know just how far to take it but there are always a minority of individuals’ out there that like to take things that little bit further, toying with the translucent lines of societal norms. Which brings us to this absolutely insane Redskull cosplay

It seems Henry Damon of Venezuela nose no bounds (sorry, I’ll stop). Damon, who is a massive fan of the character Red Skull, took things to a whole new level when he decided to have part of his nose cut of so that his face would look more like a, um… skull. Furthermore, to appear more like Captain America’s Nazi nemesis, he had his face tattooed red and had the shape of his face altered with subdermal implants.

Damon, who now goes by the real-life name Red Skull, stated that the alteration (and these kinds of alternations don’t come cheap) has been a life-long ambition of his. Emilio Gonzalaz, the tattoo artist and body surgery specialist, who made the body-modifications, made Damon undertake numerous psychological and physical tests, although according to other news sources, Gonzalaz never completed medical school.

Damon’s friend Pablo Hernandez spoke with The Daily Mail stating that:

“He has loved comic books since he was a kid and always dreamed of being Red Skull, but never got round to doing it.”

Subsequently, his dream has not been complete as of yet. Damon will continue to have more work done to his face including more tattooing, the insertion of silicone cheek implants and chin implants. However, he needn’t worry about finding a partner (joke, people…), as he is already married with kids, with his family now referring to him as Red Skull.

And here we have it folks. The real Red Skull:

Embed from Getty Images
He is currently doing the rounds at various tattoo and body-mod conventions, making numerous appearances, juggling his family life, whilst conjuring up his meticulous plans to take over the world… *evil laugh* …hail hydra!
You can have a peak at Damon’s altered look in the video below:

What do you think fellow? Are there any modifications that any of you crazy cats are saving up for? Acid Guy from Robocop, no?

Via –

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